Sunday, March 30, 2008

Nanny Lynn Screbenica

Now children gather around, it's story time!

The story of Nanny Lynn Screbenica was apparently discovered abandoned at a video reproduction store. As a kid I would have loved to see this video, It would have saved all those hours wasted wondering if Dinosaurs could speak. You would be surprised! Not only can they speak, but from the information I have gathered some were even born with the ability to speak at birth! Not to mention that having been raised by wolves and eating spiders, are most likely the two coolest things that could have happened during your childhood. Myself unfortunately, only experiencing one of the two. Years following the incident, Traumatized and unable to live with that fact that I consumed an unknown amount of spiders as a kid in a conscious state of being. I chose to change my dietary habits.

1 comment:

Amanda McC said...

I'm curious where you got the information for your story. I'm trying to follow the path of this video and accumulate all the lore that has gone along with it. If there is any information you would be willing to share that would be wonderful. Thank you.